Spit and Ashes

A FILM BY MARIA BEATTY Spit and Ashes is a reimagining of the historical violence waged against women by patriarchal forces in the name of religion, medicine and family. The High Priestess embodies the wild, sexual and grotesque – the un-tamable hunger of female desire and the ultimate threat to male power. The Midwife is…


A FILM BY DOXITOCIN A rite for the Roman God of wine, drunkenness and ecstasy.Shot in 48 hours during Hacker Porn Film Festival 2019 in Rome   CAST & CREW *spir@lena*. Candy Flip. Finn Peaks. Mahx Capacity. Marta Ro. Doxytocine. Theo Meow. Jo Pollux. Katy Bit. *spir@lena*. Martiria. Hyenaz.